Mirella sobre Dynho: “A gente segue como amigos”

Durante esta semana a cantora Mirella promoveu uma festa para comemorar seu aniversário de 24 anos. Questionada sobre a presença de seu ex, Dynho, a mesma afirmou que “segue como amigo” e está “muito bem resolvida”. #TVFama

Women and Infidelity: Adultery, Infidelity, and Scandal – Yes, Married Women Cheat Too!

Shonda couldn’t understand why she kept thinking about her co-worker Ryan. He wasn’t her type. In fact he was shorter than she. What could have caused Shonda to cheat? What causes any woman to cheat on her husband? This article will highlight some of the things that could drive a woman to cheat and what she can do to avoid the temptation to commit adultery. It also discusses the 3 types of adultery that can ruin your marriage. Read the rest of this article if you are a woman who is in danger of cheating on your husband or if you have cheated before. BTW, it’s possible to commit adultery without ever touching a man…

My Husband Wants To Know If I Can Love Him In The Same Way After His Affair

“When my husband told me about his affair, he said that he assumed that I was going to leave him because he assumed that our marriage could never recover. I told him that many marriages are able to make it and that I thought it was a possibility that our marriage could make it too if we were willing to work hard. My husband’s answer to this was that he doesn’t think that I will ever be able to love him like I used to, before the affair. I don’t know how to answer this question because I fear that he might be right. But I don’t want to discourage and punish him by telling him this. I am willing to stay in my marriage with the knowledge that I won’t love him in the exact same way but I might love him a new way and I am committed enough because of my kids to see it through anyway. But I’m not sure how encouraging it would be to him to hear me say this. How should I respond to him asking him me if I can ever love him in the same way again?”

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