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Alô noventista, muito obrigado por assistir o Canal 90!

Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Every Discussion About The Affair Turns Into An Argument

“Every time my husband and I open our mouths, we argue. We are both guilty of having very sharp tones with one another. He can ask me to pass the salt at the dinner table and to my ears, it can sound as if he has insulted me because of the tone of his voice. It infuriates me and it takes everything that I can do not to get up from the table in anger. I can’t imagine us having any sort of meaningful conversation that involves courtesy or give and take. The sound of his voice infuriates me. The fear of what kind of nonsense he’s going to be spewing makes me just want to turn away and not even hear what he’s going to say. I don’t want to end my marriage, really. I’ve worked too hard at it and we’ve built a life together that I’ve worked very hard to build. I don’t want to just surrender it because my husband made a very stupid mistake. At the same time, though, I can’t imagine being able to work this out if we can’t even talk about what to have for dinner without being at each other’s throats.”

My Spouse Doesn’t Even Try To Make The Affair Up To Me, There Is No Attempt To Make Things Right

“I have not really even gotten a heartfelt apology from my husband for cheating on me. He pretty much shrugs his shoulders, says he messed up, and acts like our marriage is just over. I wanted and expected for him to fight for me. He hasn’t. He will concede that he made a mistake that will require him to move out, but he acts as if he’s going no further than making this statement. He told me that he knows he has to find a new place to live and will do so as soon as possible. He hasn’t made any effort to make this right, either. It’s like he’s perfectly content to just run away and not face up to what he did. It’s as if he doesn’t care enough about me to stick around and try to make amends. I’m disappointed on so many levels. How can I get him to try to make this right by me? Honestly, I am not sure if I’ll want to save my marriage or not. But, I’d sure like that option. I’d sure like to see him make an effort regardless of the outcome.”

Can A Spouse Have An Emotion-Based Revenge Affair And Not Realize It?

“I really can not effectively tell you how sorry I am that I cheated on my wife. My children are the only reason that my wife did not leave me. But although she’s still here, at times she looks at me with pure hatred. For the past three weeks, she has been spending a lot of time with a male co worker. I didn’t say anything at first because she gets mad at me so easily. Last night we were spending time with our kids and the guy called. So I lost patience and asked her about it. She said that it was her job to train the guy at work and that they had become ‘close.’ She says he makes her laugh and feel good. I got flustered and asked her if she thought that the relationship had crossed a line and had become an emotional affair. She said that the last thing she would do is start up an affair considering how my affair pretty much ruined our lives. She said that she was not that stupid. But now I’m wondering if perhaps she’s started an emotional affair for revenge without even knowing it. Is that possible?”

My Spouse Seems To Have More Desire For Me After He Was Caught Cheating, I Worry It’s Too Much

“I found out that my husband had been cheating about three months ago. For the first month, I did not really speak to or spend any time with my husband at all. But in the second month, we started communicating a little and one night we went out and one thing lead to another and we had great sex. I mean we had the best sex that we have had in years. I honestly did not think we’d ever have that type of sex again. Of course, this has now happened countless times. It seems that all my husband wants to do is have sex now. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it too. But I don’t want for my husband to think that this has solved all of our problems or that we are now home free. Sometimes, I will want to talk about our issues and what is his response? He wants to have sex, of course. Don’t get me wrong. Being at this stage and having sex and being affectionate is better than not speaking. But I am afraid that we are glossing over things.”

2 Reasons Why Husbands Cheat In The First Few Years Of Marriage

There are theories and hypothesis out there that explain why husbands cheat. Then there are the two main reasons why they cheat as outlined in this article.

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