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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Does My Husband Look Back On The Affair And Remember The Fun Times?

“My husband’s affair has been over for about four months. I do not think that he is still seeing the other woman. However, even though he isn’t literally with her, I sometimes feel as if he is thinking about her all of the time. Often, I will look at my husband and he will have a wistful look on his face and he will have a small smile or laugh. I know in my heart that he is thinking about good times with her. But when I ask him about this, he tells me that I am being ridiculous and that he has much more to worry about right now than the past. I don’t believe him. He knows that if he discloses he is thinking about her then it will hurt me. So I feel like he’s lying. I happen to know that they did a lot of fun things together. He took her on trips. They went to exotic locations. He spent a lot of money on her that he never spent on me. So is he thinking of the fun past with her? Or I am just being paranoid?”

No Matter What I Say Or Do, My Spouse Is Never Going To Forgive Me For Cheating

“I had an affair about two and a half years ago. In the beginning, my husband said that he would try to forgive me eventually so that we could try to save our marriage. To my husband’s credit, he didn’t leave me. He did stay with me, although our marriage has never even begun to recover. He still has so much anger toward me. I have offered to go to counseling. I have waited for there to be improvements. But there haven’t been any. Lately, my husband has started going out with coworkers instead of coming home after work. I am sure that female coworkers tag along. If he were to cheat on me, I am not sure that I can even blame him. But at this point, over two years have gone by and he still seems as angry with me as when he first found out. I haven’t looked at another man since then and I never will again. But I am wondering at which point I should accept that I am never going to be forgiven. And if I’m not going to be forgiven, then this probably means that my marriage is over, right?”

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