Moranguinho tem crise de ciúmes ao cair em pegadinha do Naldo no Delivery do Faro

Naldo e Melody foram escolhidos por Rodrigo Faro para o Delivery do Faro deste domingo (9). Moranguinho, esposa do Naldo, também foi chamada para participar, mas nem imaginava que ela seria a maior vítima da brincadeira. Pelas câmeras, Moranguinho viu uma atriz, disfarçada de manicure, flertando com o cantor. Ela ficou cheia de ciúmes e, sorte do Naldo, que o Faro explicou: era tudo combinado!

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Solution to Infidelity

Needless to say that infidelity is really a serious offense. It is generally believed that individuals ought to split up if one of them has been unfaithful. It doesn’t need to be that way if both parties are willing to do what it takes. Restoring trust in relationships isn’t simple, but it could be carried out. Here are some suggestions on how to make that happen.

Emotional Cheating – What is Emotional Cheating and What Can You Do About It?

Does emotional cheating exist and if does is it really harmful to your relationship. How can you identify it and how is the best way to deal with it?

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