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O mundo do entretenimento espanhol lamenta a morte de Antonio Ibáñez, 34, reconhecido por suas obras como “Aída” e “El Ministerio del Tiempo”.
A saída imediata do artista deveu-se a um linfoma, com o qual foi diagnosticado há pouco mais de um ano e estava em tratamento.
Apesar da dor de sua morte, um fato chamou a atenção de seus seguidores: uma comunicação pelas redes sociais, que foi premonitória de sua saída. Algo como um segredo que a vida revela no último minuto.
No Instagram, António revelou “Lutei com todas as minhas forças mas não consegui vencer esta batalha. Eu realmente queria viver e continuar criando arte.
«Mesmo assim, poderá ver, sentir e tocar as minhas energias mais puras em todas as minhas pinturas. Lá você pode se perder em minha bela e generosa alma”, publicou ele horas antes de morrer.
Por fim, o artista morreu na última terça-feira após se submeter a um tratamento contra o câncer, que os médicos haviam detectado em julho do ano passado.
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Surpresas? Segredos? Bastidores da TV e do Cinema. As notícias atuais e o melhor da história da TV e dos famosos, curiosidades sobre o mundo das celebridades, o melhor dos programas de fofocas e o melhor das novelas, filmes, séries e dramaturgia. Claro que tem cultura, teatro e entretinimento, claro que tem política, as melhores e lançamentos de músicas, e uma pitada de religião e esporte. O que a sociedade quer debater, sem esquecer que adoramos falar do universo LGBTQIA+, gays e lésbicas famosos, aquele que saíram do armário e se assumiram. Então a gente se encontra no PlocSocial.
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My Spouse Is Saying That I Have To Be Patient About Sex After The Affair
I sometimes hear from couples who disagree about when (or even if) to have sex when they are trying to recover from infidelity. Sometimes, I hear from the faithful spouse who is confused and upset that the cheating spouse isn’t trying to have sex with them. They will often wonder if this means that he is no longer sexually attracted to them and if this is the reason that he cheated in the first place. On the other side of the coin, I sometimes hear from the cheating spouse who is frustrated that the faithful spouse doesn’t want to pick up their sex life where it left off.
My Husband’s Affair Has Been Over For A Long Time, But I’m Still Struggling – What Now?I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair three years ago. If you would have told me then that I would still be in pain three years later, I would not have believed it. I thought that if my husband and I wanted to save our marriage enough, then we would eventually heal. We are both intelligent and good people and I was confident that we would do whatever was necessary. But we have not recovered as well as I would have hoped. We have tried very hard. I do believe that my husband has been faithful since the affair. I still have doubt. I find myself wondering why my marriage still feels off. When I discuss this with my husband, he gets frustrated. He asks me what more he can be expected to do. I don’t have any answers for him. I don’t know why I haven’t recovered. I want to feel better. And I’m terrified that this means that although we tried our best, our marriage just didn’t make it. This breaks my heart. But what other conclusion is there? How can I turn the corner? Or is it too late?”