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Cheating – You Cheat on Me, You Cheat on You

Cheating in a romantic relationship is often very painful. In fact, no matter the state of affairs of the relationship, it is hard to escape the negative emotions associated with cheating – betrayal, low self-esteem, loneliness, anger, insecurity. But while the negative emotions are normally associated with the victim, the cheater also can be affected by a rash of other emotions apart from guilt and also end up being the loser.

The New Age Infidelity

I recently watched this reality show on television called Emotional Atyachar. It is a show where people get their spouses to go through a loyalty test. Of all the episodes I have seen on this show, only one lady turned out to be loyal to her boyfriend. Talking about statistics, they say that 50% of men and 30% of women cheat on their spouses. So why has infidelity increased manifold in our society?

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