Naldo Benny diz estar se preparando para enfrentar seu algoz no ringue, o pugilista Acelino Freitas, o Popó. Naldo bateu um papo com o TV Fama à bordo de um cruzeiro, ao lado da esposa Moranguinho. #TVFama
Should I Take My Ex Back After He Cheated?
So you are wondering “should I take my ex back after he cheated?” Forgiving your spouse after he has cheated on you can take some time. Now is the time to examine your relationship and consider all of your options before making any harsh decisions.
Surviving Marital Infidelity – How To Turn Your Marriage Pain Into JoyCould you use a hug to help you with surviving marital infidelity because of the extreme pain you are dealing with? Well, I can’t give you a hug but I hope this advice is timely and what you need to hear to survive infidelity.