“Não havia medo de falar desejos”! Boca Rosa relembra relacionamento aberto

Em uma sessão de perguntas e respostas em suas redes sociais, Bianca Boca Rosa utilizou alguns questionamentos de seus seguidores para falar sobre relacionamento aberto, algo que para muitos é um grande tabu! #TVFama

After the Affair – Deciding If You Should Stay After Your Husband Has Had An Affair

You have been happily married for years and now you have discovered that your husband has cheated. You have shared the joys of raising a family. You’ve been through thick and thin, both good times and lean times and now you are worrying that you may have just wasted years of your life. Is this really the end of the world for you? Many questions race through your mind after the affair is over but with all of the time that you have invested in your marriage there are some very important questions that you really need to consider before you decide to give up on your marriage. Read through this article to discover the questions that you might be missing that could very well give you the answers you need if you want to try and save your marriage after the affair is revealed.

Use Transparency To Ease Anger And Rebuild Trust

You recently discovered your husband has had an affair and you’re not only hurt but furious. You can’t help but think about it constantly and as you do your anger and sense of betrayal build.

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