“Não me pertencia mais”, afirma Aline Campos sobre a mudança de nome

Durante sua passagem no maior evento musical do país, Aline Campos falou com a equipe do `TV Fama` sobre sua atual fase musical e acerca de seu relacionamento com o DJ, Jesus Luz. #TVFama

Facebook Infidelity – Harmless Flirting Online Can Lead To A Full Blown Affair

Being a victim of a cheating partner it is indeed a painful experience. What makes it even a more haunting one is when your partner has been doing the wrong deed right under your nose, or in some cases, right in your computer. To avoid feeling stupid and sometimes, feeling responsible for keeping a blind eye to your partner’s illicit Facebook activities it is indeed a good idea to explore more about this field. There are millions of people engaged in Facebook each second. You can’t blame it! It is indeed addicting to interact with people. There’s a famous saying, “No man is an island”, and this constant need of human beings to socialize and connect to its own specie dates back to early human civilizations.

Would You Consider Porn As Infidelity in a Marriage?

This article explains how pornography is an intrusion into your marriage. It will help you to understand why it is considered as infidelity in a marriage.

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