“Não sinto mais nada”, diz Simony após terminar primeira fase do tratamento contra o câncer

A cantora Simony, que foi diagnosticada com câncer no intestino, está comemorando o término da primeira fase do tratamento. “Estou ótima, não sinto mais nada”, vibrou Simony. Segundo ela, novos exames serão realizados agora no mês de março para os médicos avaliarem a doença #TVFama

Consider This Your Spouse Spy Review

There are many of us who have taken the vow to be faithful to our partners. We have stood before family and friends to make the biggest commitment that we will ever make. However, over time, there are things that might go wrong. This is why you might need this Spouse Spy software.

Saving Your Relationship After Cheating – Is It Really Possible?

You’ve found out that your boyfriend or girlfriend has cheated. You looked in their phone for clues, you found them physically doing it; it’s heart wrenching, upsetting and can definitely make your stomach churn. But how do you save your relationship after cheating?

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