“Não tenho direito de ficar mal”, diz Mel Maia sobre peso da fama

Durante entrevista a ‘Quem’, a atriz Mel Maia falou sobre o peso da fama desde criança e como lida com a situação. #TVFama

Easy Tricks To Catch A Cheater For Valentines Day

There’s nothing worse than being in a relationship that has lost it’s trust. Once suspicions of infidelity creep into a relationship it can grow and fester until it ruins an otherwise happy marriage. But if you are seeing clues that lead you to believe your spouse is cheating there are little tricks you can use to catch them in the act of adultery.

What Is Cheating in the 21st Century?

What is cheating? The question is pondered hundreds if not thousands of times per day.  Is sex considered the only form of cheating?

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