Neymar e namorada, Bruna Biancardi participam de premiação no Rio de Janeiro

O jogador Neymar Júnior e sua namorada, a influencer Bruna Biancardi participaram de uma premiação no luxuoso hotel Copacabana Palace, no Rio de Janeiro. O ‘casal de milhões’ posou para fotos e não falou com a imprensa.

Since My Husband Cheated, He Never Shows Me Affection, Why?

“I really want to make my marriage work after my husband’s affair. But I have all of these little voices in my head telling me that he doesn’t love me enough and that he doesn’t really want to be with me. I know that I am thinking negatively because I don’t want to be hurt again. I need for him to physically take me in his arms and be affectionate to me. I have to admit that my husband’s never been comfortable with public displays of affection, but I need for him to step outside of his comfort zone. I’ve tried telling him this and then he will very stiffly give me a hug when he has a pained look on his face. Part of me feels like it’s almost as if I’m asking him to do something distasteful. And this just worries me that much more. I want it to feel natural for him to love me. I want for him to want to touch, hug, and kiss me. I don’t want for this to be a chore for him. Why does my husband find it so hard to show me physical and loving affection after his affair?”

Can Obsessing Over An Affair Be Helpful?

Some people want to know the details about their partner’s affair and continue to ask questions over and over again. Sometimes this process can seem obsessive in nature but can actually be helpful if done properly. Read on to find out how.

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