Neymar manda indireta após suposto fim de namoro com Bruna Biancardi: “Falador passa mal”

Neymar usou as suas redes sociais para gravar um vídeo com tom de deboche dizendo o seguinte: “Faladores de plantão. Falador passa mal, cuidado papai”. Ao que tudo indica, o recado seria uma indireta relacionadas a rumores sobre o fim de seu relacionamento com Bruna Biancardi. Segundo o jornal Extra, os dois romperam o namoro durante uma festa junina na casa do craque. Na ocasião, Neymar teria ficado com outra mulher após Bruna ter ido dormir. #TVFama

Clues That Your Man Is Cheating – How to Know If He Is Seeing Someone Else

What are some of the clues that my man is cheating? How can I tell for sure if my man is cheating? What should I do if I find out that my man is cheating on me?

My Husband Has Shut Me Out After I Caught Him Cheating

I heard from a wife who said: “I found out that my husband had a month long affair with the home health nurse that takes care of his mother. Basically, they were together only when he was visiting his mother. Once I found out, we requested a new nurse and he broke it off immediately. He insisted that he wanted to save our marriage and I wanted that too. But he’s not acting in the way that you would expect from a man who is trying to keep his wife. I expected him to share his feelings, tell me what lead up to his cheating, and explain how he planned to work through this. Instead, he has completely shut down. He barely says two words to me. He rarely looks me in the eye. He no longer laughs or touches me. If I ask him what’s wrong he tells me nothing is wrong. He’s like a shell of who he was. Why is he acting his way?” I will try to answer this question in the following article.

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