Nicole Bahls diz desconfiar de pessoas que não gostam de animais: “São puros”

A modelo Nicole Bahls disse em entrevista ao TV Fama que desconfia de pessoas que não gostam de animais. Ela, que se considera uma defensora dos bichinhos também falou sobre sua relação com Viviane Araújo. As duas já foram rivais na época em que participaram de ‘A Fazenda’.

My Husband Admitted To Real And Deep Feelings For The Other Woman – What Can I Do Now?

I often hear with women who are trying to break the spell that the “other woman” or mistress has over their husband. I recently heard from a wife who said, “three weeks ago, my husband admitted to having an affair with a woman from his gym. He seemed very sincere. But he’s been sullen and withdrawn. After my asking him what was wrong with him for several days, he finally admitted that he has ‘deep feelings’ for this other woman and he’s confused and conflicted between his loyalty to and love for me and his feelings for her. I feel like I really don’t stand a chance because of his perceived feelings for her. He hasn’t even known her for very long. What can I do about this? How can I make him see that these feelings probably aren’t even real? He doesn’t even know who this woman really is. I had a friend of mine do a background check on her and she has a bankruptcy and some foreclosures, neither of which my husband knows anything about it. How can I make him see her for who she really is?”

How Does the Mistress Feel Once the Affair Is Over?

Most every wife who has ever struggled after an affair knows that thinking about the mistress or other woman can take up a huge chunk of your time. You usually have all sorts of questions about her. You want to know who she is, what she looks like, what makes her tick, and why, of all people on earth, she chose your husband. While the affair is going on (or before we are sure that it has ended) thoughts of her can almost invade our regular every day life to a level that borders on obsession. But what happens when the affair is over? Does she just ride off into the sunset? Does she find another married man to prey on? Does she vow to change her ways and eventually find a single guy to settle down with? Does she pine over your husband and try to scheme up ways that she can get back into your life?

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