Nicole Bahls relembra traição: “Eu falhei como esposa”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’ a influenciadora digital Nicole Bahls falou de alguns sonhos que tem ainda para TV. A modelo foi indagada também sobre o término de seu casamento, chegando a afirmar que a culpa também foi dela. #TVFama

Your Spouse Will Cheat If You Fail To Do These 3 Things

Worrying about your spouse cheating is normal so don’t be concerned. You should be very concerned when you no longer worry or really don’t care if your spouse cheats. These 3 tips should help you avoid the pain and destruction infidelity can cause.

Post-Affair Trauma – How to Come Out of It?

What can be more painful than coming to know that your spouse has had an affair? It is the trauma that follows this knowledge. This trauma can be as intensive as the one suffered by soldiers after a military combat, a shock resulting from the death of a dear one or the shock of getting involved in an accident. This post-affair trauma can be highly testing and can create hell on earth for the affected person.

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