No Cupido Eletrônico, avós contam qualidades dos netos | Vai Dar Namoro

O personal trainer Michel Arlindo foi o escolhido pelas meninas no Cupido Eletrônico. No Diz Aí, as vovós falaram sobre as personalidades dos netos. Dona Enedia Schcolnic, avó do Rodrigo, disse que o neto trabalha demais e ela se sente carente. Já Maria Aparecida, avó do Michel, contou que o neto pede para ela fazer ginástica e revelou que ele é mulherengo, mas é nota 10. As meninas escolheram Michel.

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My Husband Claims He Won’t Cheat Again But I’m Not So Sure – What Should I Do?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had a 2 month affair with the woman who managed our apartment complex. He works from home. I only found out because she left a message on our machine that he meant to delete but didn’t. As soon as I confronted him, my husband crumbled and said he would immediately break it off and that we could even move if that would make me feel better. I didn’t want to live in same building with this woman. So we did move. My husband seems to be sincere in how remorse and, last night, he sat me down, looked into my eyes and I said ‘I promise you that I will be faithful to you for the rest of my life.’ I wanted to hear these words. And I so want to believe what he is saying. But somewhere deep inside me, I have doubts. To be honest, I was blown away by this cheating. I never suspected he would do something this. He’s always been a loving and loyal husband. So I’m afraid that if I believe and trust in him, I would be blindsided again. What should I do?”

What Is the Most Horrific Betrayal?

You probably tend to think – like most people do – that the most horrific betrayal of all is a person’s betrayal of his/her partner. After all, this is what you have been brought up to believe since childhood – from books and movies you have seen; from newspaper reports you have read; from TV programs you have watched as well as from conversations with others. But actually, the most horrific betrayal of all is a person’s betrayal of himself/herself: of living his/her life not according to what he/she would like to live them. Of being untrue and dishonest to oneself, to the inner wishes which one neglects and refuses to pursue.

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