No Duelo das Cantadas, dois pretendentes disputam o coração das gatas | Vai Dar Namoro

No Duelo das Cantadas do Cupido Eletrônico, dois pretendentes tiveram que mostrar que são bons nas cantadas. O estudante de direito Guilherme, de 22 anos, e o influenciador digital Macio, de 28 anos, disputaram, mas Marcio foi o escolhido pela mulherada. Marcio é baiano e mostrou que sabe lutar capoeira.

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Cheating In a Relationship – How Do You Define Infidelity?

What is considered cheating in a relationship? One of the biggest questions that married couples have is “what is the definition of infidelity?” What may seem trivial to one spouse may not be so trivial to the other. For example, if a married man answers an ad from married women seeking married men on the internet but doesn’t follow through, is this cheating?

These 3 Questions Will Help You Deal With The Negative Emotions Of Infidelity

Here are three questions to ask yourself to help you deal with the wave of negative emotions resulting from your spouse having an affair. How you deal with these negative emotions will be a major factor in moving forward in a new direction.

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