Hudson é o candidato que está no escurinho do cinema. Com um cavaquinho na mão, ele tocou um pagode para as participantes e recebeu várias cantadas. O pretendente participou do reality show “Casamento às Cegas”, mas se separou da mulher que conheceu no programa. Será que agora ele vai encontrar sua alma gêmea?
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What Are Some Reasons That Couples Don’t Make It After An Affair?
“My husband had a four month affair with a former teacher of his grown daughter’s. Actually, it was my step daughter who told me about the affair because she opposed the relationship. Apparently, my husband and the other woman were talking about running away together and leaving their families. And my step daughter didn’t want to see this happen to me. I appreciate her telling me, but this has been a very painful process. My husband swears that he still loves me and now wants to save the marriage. I have a very hard time believing this. I don’t understand how it’s possible that just a month ago, he was planning a getaway with her and now all of a sudden, the marriage is good enough for him once again so that he wants to fight for it. It is hard for me to envision what type of marriage we might have in the future. And this is if I even agree to attempt to salvage this marriage. I’m just curious as to why marriages fail after an affair. What is it that does the marriage in? Is it the affair? Or is it what comes after the affair?”
What Signs Will Tell Me If My Cheating Spouse Is Actually Remorseful?“I caught my husband having an affair about two weeks ago. I don’t believe that he thought that he was going to get caught because he seemed so shocked. But, he didn’t seem all that sorry or upset. I told him that he is to end the affair immediately. He agreed, but he seems almost resentful about this. He has yet to say that he was sorry. He has yet to apologize. He hasn’t made any attempt to explain himself or to show any sorrow that he has done this to me. The other day, I got so frustrated about this that I confronted him. I told him that he didn’t seem remorseful. He got angry and said that he is remorseful but then asked what I expected of him. He stressed that he is sorry, but that it is not in his personality to go overboard with pleas and desperation. I’m not sure that I believe him. What should I be looking for in terms of behavior? How does a man who is truly remorseful about the affair act?”