Marcello conta os motivos pelos quais o filme não lhe agradou, e como acabou distorcendo a verdade.

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Forgiving Yourself for Infidelity – Learning to Forgive Yourself Is the First Step

It will be very difficult to forgive yourself when you have cheated on someone you care about. Most of the time it is far easier to blame yourself than to objectively look at the root cause of why you strayed. In my experience though there are factors which both you and your “wronged” spouse / partner need to face in order for forgiveness to start.

7 Surprising Reasons Why Men Cheat

While men are not the always guilty party – let’s be honest – they are usually the ones who cheat on their partners. You can’t turn on the news without some male celebrity guilty of having an affair! They come up with all sorts of excuses during their apologies, most of the time, but that doesn’t really explain why they do it. They like to blame it on their genes but that isn’t always the case. Here are seven reasons why men cheat.

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