Walcyr Carrasco responde se série ‘Verdades Secretas’ terá continuidade

O TV FAMA falou com exclusividade com o autor de novelas Walcyr Carrasco durante sua passagem pela Bienal do Livro, em São Paulo. Carrasco, é claro, foi questionado sobre uma provável continuidade da série ‘Verdades Secretas’. O autor, no entanto, respondeu o seguinte: “

How To Save My Marriage After An Affair – 8 Steps To Take

An affair can surely harm your marriage but if it has already occurred then there are ways to utilize the opportunity to actually make it even stronger! An issue that once seemed to weaken your relationship can actually be turned into something quite beneficial if approached in the proper context.

My Spouse Is Tired Of Talking About The Affair? When Is It Time To Quit Discussing It?

“It has been about seven months since my husband’s affair. I will admit that rarely does a day go by that I don’t bring it up. We will be having a perfectly good day and then suddenly a question or concern will pop into my head and I will ask my husband the applicable questions as soon as the thought strikes me. And when this happens, suddenly the mood is ruined. My husband gets very upset by this. He will usually respond by telling me that he has answered my questions and that he doesn’t understand my need to endlessly rehash this. My response is often that I wouldn’t need to rehash it if he hadn’t cheated on me. Although I have agreed to try to limit these types of conversations, I can not and will not commit to never speak of it again. I still have concerns. And if he tries to silence me about this, then I may choose to just leave because I can’t pretend that this never happened, although I’m sure that he would like that. What is your opinion on this? Is it ever time to stop talking about the affair. If so, when?”

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