“O crime que você comete presencialmente, na internet também é crime”

“A Mirella está na condição de vítima e testemunha.”

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5 Reasons Why Infidelity Is Spouse Abuse

Infidelity is a particularly cruel form of abuse. In this case, the abuse takes the form of extreme emotional distress and anxiety inflicted on the loyal spouse. The bruising and scarring might be emotional instead of physical, but the damage can last a lifetime.

Why Do People Cheat And What Is The First Step In Surviving An Affair?

A cheating spouse is never a fun thing. As a matter of fact, it has been largely agreed upon that affairs are the most painful thing a couple can go through. In many cases, it is also the make or break factor, as some might find the strength inside themselves to forgive and let go of an affair. If you are stuck with a partner who is having or had an affair and want the marriage to last the best thing you can do is gather the tools for surviving an affair.

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