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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Will I Ever Feel Love For My Husband After His Affair? If So, When?

I heard from a wife who said: “I found out about my husband’s affair about four months ago. I decided to stay only because of my kids. I am totally committed to my family and I would never have my children grow up in a single parent home. However, I don’t have loving feelings toward my husband anymore. I see him completely differently than I did before. I used to look up to and respect my husband. Now I just see him as a bit of impulsive looser. I always thought he had a high degree of integrity. But now I see he’s just like any normal weak minded man. My friends say that I should give it more time because my husband is a good man. And I admit that he is really trying to make things right. But nothing he does pleases me anymore. I find myself rolling my eyes at the things he does and says. And I nearly recoil if he comes near me or attempts to touch me. This is worrying me. I feel zero loving feelings toward him and I don’t want to live this way. Is there any hope for us?”

I’m Constantly Crying Since I Found Out My Husband’s Been Cheating – How Can I Stop?

I heard from a wife who said: “I feel like an overly emotional idiot to admit this, but I can’t stop crying after my husband told me that he was having an affair. I wasn’t even completely shocked. I sort of suspected it somewhere deep inside, but I just denied it to myself because it was so painful. So I would tell myself that I was only being paranoid when I was actually a hundred percent correct to worry. I don’t know why I’m so shocked and upset now. But I can not stop crying. I will pull myself together and go to the grocery store only to find myself sobbing in the check out line. I will try to hide it from my kids but I find that tears are coming down my cheeks when I am talking to them. I feel like such an idiot, especially since I’m not typically an emotional person. How do I get ahold of myself? How long is this going to last? Will I stop this soon?” I’ll try to answer these questions in the following article.

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