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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Will My Husband Think I’m Stupid If I Stay After His Cheating And Affair?

The decisions that you have to make after your husband cheats or has an affair are often grueling. And perhaps none is as quite as difficult as deciding if you’re going to stay or go. Taking inventory of how you really feel and what you really want often is not quite as easy or as obvious as some might think. And unfortunately, many of us not only worry about our own thoughts and feelings, we’re also worried about what other people think of us and our decision. I recently heard from a wife who was leaning toward staying with her husband after he cheated and had an affair. The wife said, in part: “my mother says that my husband is not going to have any respect for me and is going to think I’m stupid for staying with him after he cheated or had an affair. She says that he’s going to think I’m a door mat so that he can continue on with his bad behavior and I’ll stay no matter what. I certainly don’t want this. Do men think their wives are stupid when they stay after infidelity?”

Marriage and Infidelity – Take Ownership Of Your Infidelity

Cheated on your partner and think you’ve blown your chances? Maybe you have but maybe not. If you still love your partner and want your relationship to work, there is a chance if you are prepared to commit.

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