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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


My Spouse Always Uses My Affair To Punish Me – He Will Never Let Me Forget My Mistake

I heard from a wife who said: “a couple of years ago, I made the biggest mistake imaginable. I cheated on my husband with my boss. I have taken responsibility and I fully admit that the fault completely lies with me. We have gone through a lot of counseling and we managed to save our marriage, although that same marriage is far from perfect. I love my husband. But, him always throwing the affair up in my face is getting very old. He takes all of the details that he knows that I’m not proud of and brings them up anytime he gets angry with me. He will never miss the opportunity to remind me that I will always be trying to make this up to him but am unable to. I love my husband and I want to remain married to him. But I’m not sure if I want to spend the rest of my life constantly reminded about my shortcomings. What can I do?”

Why Do Spouses Cheat?

It is an unfortunate circumstance when a spouse cheats. A recent study shows that one in 2.7 men will cheat on their wives and the wives will never know it happened. Cheating is seen as wrong and violation of a marriage, but it still happens, often. Why?

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