Paraquedista imita voz de “bichinho” e faz a alegria das meninas no palco | Vai Dar Namoro

Bruno é paraquedista e também faz trabalhos como modelo. No palco com Rodrigo Faro, ele imitou uma voz de “bichinho” na tentativa de conquistar a mulherada, mas só conseguiu arrancar risos da meninas. O rapaz não encantou e foi para o aeroporto do Vai Dar Namoro.

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Relationships in This Digital Age

Before I discuss on ‘Relationships in this Digital Age’ I must call your attention to the fact that there happens to be no other Age where life is more demanding than this current Age. No matter who you are, there is always that call or responsibility: those expectations you are supposed to answer. Also, your reputation precedes you. Your reputation is a buildup of how you handled your relationships: be it with people, material things, and easiest dispositions. So the combination of scarce resources, high competition, easy replacement, many options and reputation add up to make our complex and high demanding society I call the Digital Age.

Memoir: Golf and Love

One of the facets of life is that it can be unpredictable. In case life becomes predictable, it would perhaps lose a lot of its charm. My life has been unpredictable and many encounters have taken place at the most unlikeliest of places.

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