Personal trainer aposta na sinceridade para se dar bem | Vai Dar Namoro

Sozinho há dois meses, o personal trainer Felipe, de 25 anos, revelou que não é muito exigente. Sincerão, ele contou que não é bom de cantada e que só quer que a gatinha tenha todos os dentes.

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How to Prevent Online Emotional Affairs: A Biblical View

The fact is that online affair cheating IS cheating. It starts with a hello, moves into a few lol’s, and builds into an easily said “love ya” that sounds so innocent at first. But take a step back and see where it leads.

How Can I Make My Husband Understand How Much His Affair Has Hurt And Negatively Affected Me?

I often hear from wives who are struggling to make their husbands understand just how devastating and far reaching his affair truly was. Many wives struggle with making their husband understand that moving on or getting over the affair is going to take far longer (and much more work) than the husband may have realized. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “my husband’s affair has been over for about three months. It’s becoming obvious that he feels like my time to grieve and process the affair is up. He doesn’t seem to understand how his affair has negatively affected and hurt me and continues to do so. It floored me. It hurt me deeply. It made me question my judgment, my marriage, and my ability to trust and to love. I no longer feel like the same person in the same marriage. How can I make him understand how his affair affected me so that he has more patience during my recovery? Because every time I try to explain this to him, he says I’m dwelling on the past or holding onto the pain.” I’ll address these concerns below.

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