“Pessoas têm preconceito com a pluralidade”, desabafa Felipe Titto sobre atuar e empreender

O empresário, ator e apresentador do Shark Tank Brasil, Felipe Titto bateu um papo com o TV Fama e abriu o coração sobre os seus negócios e a carreira de ator. Durante a entrevista, Titto disse acreditar que “as pessoas têm preconceito com a pluralidade”. Segundo ele, ou a pessoa faz uma coisa ou faz outra: “O cara que tentou ser ator e cantor, os caras gongam. Ele não pode ser bom nas duas coisas?”, desabafou

Do People Ever Consider What The Affair Is Going To Do To Their Spouse?

“I am so shocked that my husband had an affair. I never thought that he was that type of person. He is a very good man and he has never done anything to hurt me before. We have had friends who have gone through infidelity and we have both seen how unbelievably painful this is for the entire family. I can’t believe that he would put us in this position. Don’t people who cheat or have affairs consider what this is going to do to their spouse?” I will try to answer these questions below.

Do Cheaters Think About The Other Person When They Have Sex With Their Spouse?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband cheated with one of his customers. He told me about it and couldn’t apologize enough. He begged me to give him another chance and has promised that he will show me that he can be a good and faithful husband. I still love him and we have children together, so I am giving him that chance. For the most part, we are doing OK. But sex is interesting. Because honestly, it’s a little better than it was than before the infidelity. He is a lot more enthusiastic during it. So this makes me wonder if he is thinking about the other woman when we make love. I have asked him about this and he has denied it. But I don’t believe him. So what is the truth? Do men think about the other woman when having sex with their wife? And does this mean that he still has feelings for her or that he is going to cheat with her all over again?” I’m going to answer this as best as I can in the following article.

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