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Why Would Any Reasonable Person Deny Cheating When It’s So Obvious They Are?

“I’ve suspected my husband of an affair for a while. I could just tell there was a difference in the way that he related to me. He was cold to me and seemed completely disinterested in me. Even when he is home, he’s not really here. And he’s been playing a lot of ‘golf’ and doing a lot of ‘client dinners’ which I’ve always suspected is code for him cheating on me. So when I found a text that was obviously from another woman, I wasn’t surprised. But I didn’t confront my husband just yet. I decided to wait until I had more proof. So I looked in his car and found a pair of women’s shoes. At that point, I did confront him. And he had the audacity to deny it. He said that yes, someone from work sent him that text. But receiving a suggestive text doesn’t mean he’s cheating. He claimed that this woman was sending him unwanted advances. And he claimed that he gave a coworker a ride home and that she left her shoes. Does he really think I’m that stupid? Why would someone deny cheating when it’s obvious that there is an affair?”

Do I Have A Right To Know If The Other Woman Is Staying Over Now That We Are On A Separation?

“I am not sure if I want to divorce my husband because of his affair. I still love him, but I feel that our marriage has been severely damaged. I asked him to leave. I told him that I wanted a separation. He reluctantly agreed to leave but he was not happy about it. The other day, my kids went to visit him. A few days after they came home, one of them mentioned that a lady dropped by but that their father had told her that he was busy. I felt suspicious that he is having the other woman over during our separation. When I mentioned this to my best friend, she told me that I didn’t have the right to ask my husband if he was having her over. She said that since I kicked my husband out of the house, he is living in his own home now and it is the not the business of the separated wife who he has in his own home. Is she right? Do I have any right to ask my husband if the other woman is visiting or staying with him while we are separated?”

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