“Prognóstico são otimistas”, aponta Fefito sobre pai de Anitta

O ‘TV Fama’ teve informações sobre o estado de saúde do pai da cantora Anitta. De acordo com Fefito, o quadro de Mauro Machado é “otimista”. A carioca, afim de ficar ao lado do pai cancelou uma série de shows, e é previsto que após sua recuperação, a mesma retome a agenda.

What’s A Structured Separation After An Affair? Is It A Good Idea?

“When I kicked my husband out of the house, I honestly wasn’t thinking. All I knew is that the sight of him made me so angry. I also knew that we were fighting every single day. Being together all of the time just seemed to magnify our problems. The act of being together was enough to make us fight. So I asked him to stay with friends. And he didn’t argue with this or ask me to stay. Very slowly, we have started to talk again but we can’t even broach the topic of our marriage because this is going to certainly lead to an argument. Last night, he asked me for how long I was going to keep him away. I honestly don’t know. I hadn’t considered this and I don’t know what is best. For how long are you supposed to remain separated after an affair?”

Love Fades Away

Love comes during the times we don’t expect it. We get hurt without us knowing. We get betrayed without our consent. But that’s what life is all about. Sometimes, we never have an idea what’s best for us.

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