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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Dealing With The Lies After His Affair

I recently heard from a wife who told me that she didn’t think that she could ever get over the lies she was uncovering about her husband’s affair. She said, in part: “his cheating on me and having an affair is bad enough. But, it seems like every day, I undercover yet another lie that he has told me. He knows that honesty is huge with me. Being lied to like this is just something that I don’t think that I can tolerate. And yet, I have children and the thought of breaking up their family seems worse to me than dealing with his lies. So I want to work on the marriage for my kids. But how can I get over this lies? And how can I make him see that honesty is 100% required from this moment on? Because if I keep catching these untruths, I am going to eventually have no patience left.” Dishonesty is so wrapped up in infidelity that it’s sometimes hard to separate one from another. And this situation is so very common. But, you can set some ground rules and come to some understanding from this point forward. I will discuss this below.

How To Deal With Painful Memories Of The Affair

Claire and her spouse had been working on healing and rebuilding their marriage for about 8 months. It has been almost a year since Claire found out about the affair, but despite the time spent working on the marriage, Claire was having problems dealing with the memories of the affair. For Claire the months leading up to discovering the affair and the immediate aftermath was one of the worst times in her life. Despite all the work that she and her spouse are doing to rebuild their marriage, she is still haunted by that time. Understandably, she wants to be rid of those memories.

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