Quanto mionzinho ganhava na MTV? #shorts

Quanto mionzinho ganhava na MTV? #shorts
#marcosmion #mtv #record #humorista #victorcoelho #programa #tvfama #famacast #redetv

Getting Rid of The Negative Thoughts After The Affair

Getting rid of the negative thoughts can seem like an impossible task in the aftermath of an affair. Your spouse’s actions have created a lot of harsh feelings about yourself and your marriage. The barrage of negative images that plague your mind of your spouse with someone else leaves you feeling numb.

Communication – The Key To Saving A Marriage After An Affair

The main reason that many couples fail at saving a marriage after an affair is a lack of meaningful communication. Something about the act of infidelity seems to short-circuit the lines of communication that existed before, and let’s face it, most of the time the communication before hand wasn’t that great. That could be part of the problem we’re in this mess! Here’s a breakdown for both parts of the couple after an affair:

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