Que apelido é esse? Manoel Soares é acusado de colocar apelido maldoso em Patrícia Poeta

A treta entre Manoel Soares e Patrícia Poeta, pelo jeito, vai longe. O novo episódio deste conflito tem a ver com um apelido maldoso. Manoel é apontado como sendo o criado da alcunha e estaria chamando, pelas costas, a Poeta de “Eurícia”. #TVFama

Can You Save Your Relationship After The Affair?

Trying to save your relationship after the affair is going to prove to be one of the most difficult challenges in your life. It really doesn’t matter who cheated on whom, the bottom line is that there is so much anger, hurt, guilt, disappointment, and worst of all, that feeling of utter betrayal.

Learn How To Save Your Marriage After Emotional Adultery!

The pain of emotional adultery is just as real as that of physical adultery. Whether it is you or your spouse who is the guilty party, there are things that need to be done to save your marriage after emotional adultery. The victim in this situation will be feeling very hurt, angry, and totally betrayed, while the person who committed this crime will probably be feeling extremely guilty.

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