Quem será? Erika Schneider recebe flores de admirador secreto: “Não sei de quem é”

A modelo Erika Schneider, solteira há quatro meses, disse ao TV Fama que recebeu um buquê de flores de um admirador ou admiradora secreta. A loira diz não fazer ideia de quem possa ter encaminhado o presente à sua casa: “Não sei quem é”

Tools to Catch a Cheater

Affairs are no darn fun. There are many reasons for an affair, but I will leave that to the pros. What I want to teach you about today is to inform you about some tools that are available to help you know for sure. What to do from there is up to you.

Saving a Marriage After Adultery – A Few Vital Tips to Know Before You Attempt It

Before you head to divorce court there are things you can do to save your marriage. Although you need to also know that saving a marriage after adultery does take a lot of work and commitment on both spouses, it truly is possible and many couples have made it happen. Communication is really the key component of a successful and happy marriage. However, effective communication is not just verbal.

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