Rafa Brites revela que vai ao motel com marido Felipe Andreolli: “Tem que ser com luz vermelha”

Rafa Brites fez uma revelação ao TV Fama que causou surpresa. Disse que costuma frequentar motel com o marido Felipe Andreolli e mais: a apresentadora deixou claro que prefere àqueles estabelecimentos mais rústicos: “Tem que ser com luz vermelha” #TVFama

Handling Your Emotions When the Infidelity Is Revealed

When your marriage encounters infidelity, emotional stress causes you to react irrationally and leaves you psychologically lost as to how to handle the situation. These are normal reactions to this personal crisis in your life. There are only a few events in a normal life that equal this intensity of being emotional. Infidelity leaves you in a condition, and frame of mind, that is equivalent to a death of a loved one: shocked and wondering what to do now.

The Damaging Effects of Workplace Affairs

Are workplace affairs simple and harmless, or can they destroy both your personal and professional life? Here, I am sharing the implications of office affairs.

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