A atriz Rafa Kalimann disse em entrevista ao Extra que recebeu ajuda da colega Deborah Secco para estrear como atriz. Segundo a ex-BBB, foi Debora que a indicou para um papel em uma série que será lançada nas plataformas digitais.
I Still Love My Husband After His Cheating, But I Don’t Think That I Can Ever Forgive Him
I heard from a wife who said: “my husband recently admitted to me that he had an affair early in our marriage. He said that he couldn’t continue to lie to me even though it has been over for years. I think that he assumed that since it happened so long ago, there really wouldn’t be a huge fall out. He was wrong. I honestly don’t know what I want to happen but I do know that I am not just going to forgive him now and maybe not ever. My first husband cheated on me so my current husband knows very well that this is a deal breaker. The truth is, I still love my husband. He is a good man. We have a good marriage that I would not want to throw away, but at the same time, I do not want to forgive him right now. I don’t think what he did warrants my forgiveness. And I guess I am just not a good enough person but I do not feel capable of forgiveness. But all of my friends say that my marriage will never work if I can’t forgive him. Are they right?”
I Cheated On My Spouse – Is There Any Way To Get My Marriage Back?I heard from a wife who said: “I cheated on my husband about four months ago. I was going to tell him and I was going to break off the affair and beg him to work on our marriage. But before I could do that, the other man’s wife found out, called my husband, and told him everything. My husband is every bit as furious as I knew that he would be. And he immediately packed his bags and left me. Every day without him makes me realize how much I want to save this marriage. The problem is that he isn’t really receptive to me. I desperately want to get him back. How can I do this?”