Rafa Kalimann fala de críticas da web por seu corpo: “Naturalizaram fato de julgar”

Durante aniversário de Simaria, Rafa Kalimann falou sobre como passou o dia dos namorados com amigas e também abriu o coração para falar sobre as críticas que a web levantou sobre sua forma corpórea. #TVFama

My Spouse Has Announced He’s Leaving Me Because He Wants To Be With The Other Woman

“I honestly don’t think that I would have ever caught my husband in his affair. I never suspected a thing. He met this woman volunteering. Here I was thinking that he was doing something good for the community and I was encouraging him to get out there and get involved. Last week, he announced the affair and he told me that he was in love with her. He said that he was very sorry, but that he was leaving me to be with her. He said he felt such remorse for hurting me, but he wouldn’t be happy and that he would make us both miserable. He said that part of him still loves me, but he knows that I deserve more. Well, what if I don’t want him to leave? I don’t want to end my marriage. Despite the affair, I still love my husband. Oh, I’m very furious with him, all right. But, I don’t want him to leave. I want him to stay so that we can work things out. I’m afraid that if he leaves, he’ll never come back and we will end up divorced. How can I keep him from leaving me?”

I’m Really Trying To Believe That The Cheating Is Over – Will I Feel More Secure When I Do?

“Ever since I found out about my husband’s affair, I feel stupid, ugly, overweight, and depressed. This whole thing surprises me because quite honestly, I am very confident in myself. Yes, people would call me curvy, but my husband has always liked my curves and I consider myself pretty attractive to most men. I am successful in my career and have a lot of friends. That is why I am so mad at myself for feeling so insecure. I am furious with myself for spending so much time wondering if my husband is going to cheat again. I know that I am worthwhile, but I still suspect my husband of continuing to cheat. He insists that in time, he will show me that he is faithful and that he will do anything to stay with me. He comes right home and spends a lot of time with me, but I still find myself wondering if he’s continuing to cheat. I hope that in time, this process and cycle will end. If enough time goes by and I come to realize that he is no longer cheating, will my insecurity go away?”

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