Raissa Barbosa substitui Andressa Urach no ‘Miss Bumbum’: “Tô vestindo a camisa”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, Raissa Barbosa contou detalhes de seu novo projeto como apresentadora do concurso ‘Miss Bumbum’. A ex-peoa vai substituir a veterana Andressa Urach que, recentemente, deu á luz ao seu segundo filho, Leon.

“Embaixadora, apresentadora, estou vestindo a camisa do Miss Bumbum. Estou fazendo as postagens polêmicas para atrair o público masculino”, disse a influenciadora. Confira! #TVFAMA

Who’s Up For Family Movie Night?

Sometimes the best time spent together as a family is the times where nothing at all is required of you. Well, other than your lap as a pillow or your talents gathering the snacks. Calling your family together for a movie night can not only be a great family activity but… a great conversation starter for questions your children may have about life.

Legendary Ways to Add Drama to Your Event Decor

Make your next event truly unforgettable with dramatic decor. Work with your event designer to create a unique and impactful theme.

Weekend Neighborhood Get Together

After a busy work week that may have been filled with numerous client meetings and paperwork, people look forward to the weekend. However, instead of sleeping in, it would not hurt to engage in healthy fanfare and get together with a couple of friends and perhaps, arrange for a small neighbourhood outdoor party.

Tips for Impromptu Party Planning

If you keep a well-stocked kitchen and interesting party accessories on hand, you will always be ready for guests. Never be daunted by unexpected company again.

A Parents’ Guide to Batting Cage Safety

Don’t let your worries about batting cage accidents keep you from letting your child have fun. With a little education, you and your child can have a wonderful time at bat.

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