Renato Góes se prepara para interpretar vilão em próxima novela da Globo: “Estou doido pra fazer”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, Renato Góes contou detalhes sobre seu próximo personagem na nova novela da Globo, ‘Mar do Sertão’. O ator fez sucesso na primeira fase do remake de ‘Pantanal’ interpretando ‘José Leôncio’ na juventude.

‘Já comecei o processo da novela e semana que vem a gente começa a gravar. Eu espero conquistar com esse vilão o mesmo apreço de uma outra forma. Eu estava doido para fazer um vilão para errar para caramba. É bom dar uma vacilada nos personagens”, disse o artista. Confira! #TVFAMA

Why Would I Want My Spouse To Know All The Details Of An Affair?

“I cheated on my husband with a man who really doesn’t interest me in any way other than the sex. I didn’t tell my husband about the affair because I knew that it would come to a natural end. My husband caught me though. And unbelievably to me, he didn’t immediately kick me out or cut me out of his life. He says that he doesn’t know what he wants to do yet. But he says that in order to make a decision, he needs some information. He wants all of the details about the affair. At first I felt very uncomfortable about this. I didn’t want to hurt my husband about all of the details. But he continued to press me on them. And once everything started spilling out, I almost couldn’t stop it. I mean, I let everything go.The weird thing is, if he asked me for more details, I suspect that I’d let even more come out. Why? Why do I have no problems giving him the details that are going to hurt him?”

How to Know If You’re Having an Emotional Affair

Emotional intimacy is what most of us long for. For some, emotional connection is like breathing, impossible to live without. And sometimes, if we are not finding that deep connection within our marriage, or exclusive relationship, we may look outside for it.

Rebuilding Trust After an Affair – What Couples Should Know

It is not uncommon for couples to battle the pain and realities of infidelity. Many couples went through the stage where a spouse goes astray and engages in an affair with another person and then realizes in the end that their marriage is more important than any affair. Although the adulterous spouse came into his or her senses and the cheated spouse decided to give another chance, still the damage had been done and the result… broken trust. Can this broken trust be restored? Rebuilding trust after an affair is not easy, but it is not impossible. Many couples decided to weather the damage of an affair than take the path of divorce.

My Spouse Cheated, But I Stay Because I Love His Family

“I found out that my husband had an affair. He swears it’s over and will never happen again. There was no ambiguity about how I felt about infidelity. So my immediate inclination is to kick him out and then file for divorce. But after my mind goes to that, then I can’t help thinking about what that is going to mean for my step-daughter and mother-in-law, both of whom I love desperately. I feel like my husband’s daughter is also my own child, in a way. I am closer to my mother-in-law than to my own mother. I don’t want either of them out of my life. And yet, I can not imagine my husband in it. Anyway, I know that I should end this marriage, but part of me wants to stay in it, not for my husband necessarily, but because I adore his family. Is that crazy?”

Why Do Men Cheat With Women Who Are Less Attractive Than Their Wife?

“I am going to sound vain, but here goes. I am attractive. Every one tells me this. Men still turn these heads to look at me several times per day. I keep my body very toned. I am careful about how I dress. Since the day that we were married, people have said that my husband is very lucky to have me. My husband says this also. That is why it is so confusing to find out that my husband has been cheating on me with a chubby old woman with a face like a horse. I am not kidding. This woman is borderline hideous. And I really do not get it. How can he even stand to look at her, much less have sex with her? How could he possibly rather have sex with her than with me?”

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