Ressentimento? Gusttavo Lima não quer parceria com Wesley Safadão

Os cantores Gusttavo Lima e Wesley Safadão, ao que tudo indica, continuam se estranhando. Isso porque, segundo coluna de Léo Dias, existe uma treta do passado entre os dois que estaria atrapalhando a formação de uma parceria atual. #TVFama

Survive Cheating Spouses

I like many others, have suffered the emotional trauma of marital infidelity. This is a difficult time for both partners. Don’t despair, there is help out there. I found it and you will too. Nothing can beat the shoulder of a good friend. One who will listen and offer advice. A true friend will provide impartial advice. However, that is a big call. Your best friends are unlikely to be impartial. There is another source of impartial information and assistance and it’s from an unusual source. The web.

Survive a Cheating Spouse

A crushing sense of loss, betrayal and deep hurt usually follow infidelity in marriage. Surviving a cheating spouse involves hard decisions being made during a period of confusion, pain and emotional turmoil. The decisions you make after the discovery of infidelity in a marriage could shape your and your families future.

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