Rico Melquíades apresenta mais um personagem marcante de Pernambuco. Maycon Douglas dança frevo desde os 8 anos e mostra suas habilidades no Hora do Faro. Ele ainda foi desafiado a se apresentar usando um abacaxi em vez do tradicional guarda-sol. Conheça também a Maga do Sacolé.
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Cheating Partner: Tell-Tale Signs That He May Do It Again and 3 Steps You Can Do to Prevent It
You decided to stay in the relationship even though he has cheated on you. The decision was painful and difficult but you made it through and he promised he will never hurt you again like that. You believe him, and why should you not, after all you love him and the thought of getting into another relationship again is not an option for you.
Seven Signs That A Man Will Have An AffairCan you determine that a man will have an affair before it ever happens? Can this information be used to select potential suitors? While there is no exact science to determine if a partner will cheat in the future there are some indicators that a man may exhibit which could be signs that he will have an affair.