Rodrigo Hilbert revela ter deixado Fernanda Lima traumatizada: “Me leva pra casa”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’, Rodrigo Hilbert falou sobre traumas que causou na esposa por conta de uma atividade física.

O influenciador digital ainda falou como anda sua vida amorosa e amadurecimento dos filhos.

My Spouse Is Saying That He Now Realizes That The Other Woman Wasn’t Attractive At All

“My husband had a three month long affair. Over the past week, I’ve been pouring over his emails and texts. He and this woman talk about what they want to do to one another and how much they want to do it. One thing that is obvious in reading all of this is that the other woman is very sexually aggressive and adventurous. These are both things that I am not. And although my husband is now swearing to me that he wants our marriage and wants nothing to do with her, I have a hard time believing this. Because it is clear that at some point in the very short term past, he couldn’t get enough of her. But when I tell him this, he claims that when he looks back at her now, he feels repulsed. He says that he just sees her aggressiveness as a turn off now and an attempt to control him. He says that everything about her is just ‘too much.’ I find this very hard to believe even though I’d like to believe it. Is it even possible for a man to find the other woman repulsive after the affair is over?”

Spouse Cheated – Should You Stay?

I’m sorry your spouse cheated on you. I realize that we don’t know each other but I do feel for you. Now you have tough decisions to make and I want to help you.

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