Rodrigo Mussi brinca sobre tatuagem de Key Alves em sua homenagem: “Não sei se ela vai apagar”

Durante um show, a equipe do ‘TV Fama’ bateu um papo com o ex-BBB, Rodrigo Mussi. Não somente falando sobre seu “molejo” na dança, Mussi também falou sobre sua torcida para Key Alves e a tatuagem da jogadora em sua homenagem. #TVFama

Know a Cheating Spouse’s Signs

A cheating spouse’s signs are usually pretty subtle to begin with and then they become careless with time and the signs start to become more noticeable with time. It may start as physical withdrawal and makes it way towards total withdrawal. This can come on very quickly as many people who have been cheated on can tell you.

Catch a Cheater the First Time

How do you catch a cheater? It used to be that you would have to follow your spouse if you suspected them of infidelity. Nowadays with technology the way it is there are numerous tools at your disposal if your aim is to catch a cheater. You can monitor everything from a cell phone to a computer, and that can be extremely useful when most cheating occurs over the internet or phone.

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