Rolou affair com Gabriel Menina?

Rolou affair com Gabriel Menina?

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Infidelity Does Not Mean the End Of A Marriage – How To Save A Marriage After An Affair

Many people have been led to believe that once infidelity occurs in a marriage, that is the end of the marriage. Life is just too complicated and not so black and white. This means that marriage infidelity does not necessarily mean the end of a marriage. For the marriage to be restored and to thrive, here are a few tips on how to save a marriage after an affair.

Is It Possible To Save Your Relationship After Cheating? Yes, If You Can Forget And Forgive!

Cheating is the biggest mistake anyone can make in a relationship. Whoever cheated has totally betrayed their partner, and, apart from causing unbearable heartache, has also shattered any trust in the relationship. There is a slight possibility that you can save your relationship after cheating, but there are a few very important things to consider first.

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