Rouge e polêmica com Lu Andrade

Rouge e polêmica com Lu Andrade

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Do Most Marriages End Because of an Affair? – 3 Steps to Ensure Yours Doesn’t

“Do most marriages end because of an affair?” I read that question in a recent forum and thought it would be a good one to touch on in an article. If you have recently been the victim of a cheating spouse yet you still want to save your marriage, here are three steps you need to take to ensure your marriage does not end because of an affair.

Are You Pushing Your Spouse Toward Adultery and Divorce?

Do you have thoughts about adultery and divorce or perhaps have concerns about your spouse cheating on you? Well it’s something that we have all thought about but I have given some thought to this and wonder how spouses might be pushing their spouse to have an affair and thus end up divorced.

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