FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV FAMA.


The Key for Dealing With Infidelity

Now that you have learned about your spouse’s infidelity, coping with your emotions is the next order of business. Infidelity surviving requires that you regain control of your feelings by redirecting your attention from what has happened to what you want to accomplish.

How To Gain Confidence After A Cheating Spouse Ruins Your Life

Did you just find out that your spouse has been unfaithful to you; lied to you and betrayed your trust? Then you are probably feeling like the world is about to end, that there is no tomorrow. Your self-worth and confidence is as low as ever and you feel angry and unappreciated. Let me tell you that you are not alone and what you are feeling is both normal and is something you can pretty easily get over if you take the right steps. I have been there personally and with some help I ended the relationship and got over the emotional and mental backlash. It took some work and time but I feel stronger and more confident now than ever before.

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