Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, Sabrina Sato opinou sobre a participação da influenciadora digital Jade Picon na próxima novela da Rede Globo. A trama chamada ’Travessia’ será a estreia da ex-bbb nas telinhas.
“A Jade é maravilhosa, torço muito por ela, é uma menina de ouro. Ela vai firme, vai fazer muito sucesso”, disse a apresentadora. Confira! #TVFAMA
My Husband’s Affair Gave Him Unrealistic Expectations About Relationships
“I would never have called my husband a romantic. My husband is a very practical person. He will buy gifts and show appreciation on special occasions, but he pretty much figures love is implied between married people. He constantly bought the other woman thoughtful gifts and did nice things for her. And that really hurts and angers me. However, I am 100% sure that the affair is over. Still, when I turn my attention to my marriage, I notice that my husband still has his romantic idealism going. He has starting buying me gifts and attempting to show his ‘appreciation’ for me. I know that I should be grateful, but it kind of annoys me. Where was all of this consideration before? I’m not saying that I want my grumpy husband back – the one who never showed appreciation. But he’s acting like a silly old fool with stars in his eyes. Middle aged people don’t need to place all of their focus on being in love like they did when they were 18. Don’t get me wrong. I want a happy marriage. But my husband is acting foolish. How do I get him to stop this without insulting him?”
I’m Not Sure How To Bond With My Spouse Again After The Affair“I feel like I have lost all of the closeness that I had with my wife. And I know that it is my fault because I am the one who had an affair. But for the sake of our family, I feel like we really have to get back what we had. I understand that my wife is angry and hurt. I would do anything to change that. But I know that I can’t. Not only is she distancing herself from me, but I can’t help but notice that she has backed away from our extended family and, to a lesser extent, even to our children. It’s like she is just watching everything happen, but she is not actively participating in any of it. She’s no longer spontaneous and happy. She is just flat and kind of there. She interacts with me because she has to – but it is very formal. If she does do something with me, she’s formal and cold about it. How do I reconnect with her? She is justified in her distance and anger, but we can’t keep going like this.”
I’m Not Sure That My Feelings Are Appropriate After My Husband’s Affair – How Should I Feel?“I am shocked at my lack of reaction about my husband’s affair. I guess it would be one thing if I had suspected anything unusual, but it totally blindsided me. Even worse, I walked in on it – well sort of. Not that they were in the act or anything, but it was still pretty obvious. My husband couldn’t shuttle her out of there fast enough. I honestly would have thought that I would have wanted to do bodily harm to someone. But I just went into the den and locked the door. And I have had very little to say to my husband since. I have not screamed or yelled or had any emotional reactions. I always thought that I would feel very strongly, but honestly, I am not feeling much at all. What should I be feeling?”
Everyone Tells Me Not To Trust That My Husband Is Not Having Another Affair“I really want to believe that my husband isn’t having another affair. It’s just that he’s acting very similar to the way that he was acting when he had the first affair. When I confront him about this, he gets somewhat angry at me. He says that he has done nothing to make me suspect that he’s having an affair and that it’s not fair that he automatically gets accused of something that he is not doing. I tell my friends that perhaps I should apologize to him. They ask me if I know that once a man has cheated on you, then you can never trust his claims again. Are they right?”
What Type Of Reaction Should You Expect From A Husband When You Catch Him Cheating?“What might I expect when I confront my husband about cheating? I’ve not come right out and accused him before. But I have certainly hinted about it or asked him why he was out late. He always had a ready excuse. And he acted like I was a paranoid, crazy person for even asking. Well, now I have found emails that leave absolutely no doubt. I have actually known about this for a week. I intended to confront him, but I guess I just can’t bring myself to do it. In the emails, he seems pretty serious about the other woman, so I guess a part of me might be afraid that he’s going to tell me that he wants to be with her once all of this is out in the open. I am seriously considering confronting him tonight and getting it over with. But I need to know how he is going to react. I am wondering if I should have my kids stay with friends. He doesn’t have a bad temper, but I’m so angry that, really, he needs to worry about me and not the other way around. What can a wife expect?”