Samuel faz passinho para conquistar a mulherada | Vai Dar Namoro

Samuel tem 23 anos, é cearense e está em São Paulo há dois anos. Ele é modelo e trabalha com internet. Para impressionar as gatas, ele falou uma cantada e fez um passinho de dança. Será que ele vai ter sorte?

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Tips to Move on After Infidelity

Infidelity is a great deal breaker in relationships. It often leads to permanent separation because of the undeniably big damage that it can bring to a relationship. But whether you decide to part ways or continue your relationship, you will need the following tips on moving on after infidelity.

Getting Back on Track After the Damage of an Affair

No words can describe the turmoil an affair outside your marriage will cause you. However, if you’re partner has already stopped and is sincerely asking for another chance, you might want to give it another shot. Here are some tips on what to do after an affair:

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