SAN | 19/06/2023 | FAMACAST

SAN, cantor.
FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV FAMA.


Is Hanky Panky Causing You To Think About Divorce?

Have you uncovered some hanky panky by your spouse and now find yourself thinking about divorce because of his or her betrayal? There is good reason to consider divorcing when infidelity has occurred because of the pain, anger and shock often felt as a result of infidelity in a marriage.

Why Is Marriage Infidelity So Prevalent In Our Society – Could You Be Next?

Infidelity in marriage is becoming so much the norm that it’s impossible to turn on the TV and not hear about a couple breaking up because of infidelity. Unfortunately, it’s no longer just a celebrity or Hollywood problem. If you or someone in your family or circle of friends has been impacted by adultery you know the pain and suffering it causes.

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