“Saudade não acaba nunca”, desabafa atriz Beth Goulart sobre a perda da mãe Nicette Bruno

A atriz Beth Goulart lançou o livro ‘Viver é uma Arte’, obra que começou a escrever com a mãe, Nicette Bruno, que morreu após ter contraído Covid em dezembro de 2020. Ao TV Fama, a atriz falou sobre a superação da perda da mãe: “Saudade não acaba nunca”. #TVFama

What’s The Best Way For Me To End The Affair To Save My Marriage?

I heard from a wife who said: “I’ve been having an affair with a guy from my job. Actually, for the last two months, things have cooled down between us. My husband has had a health scare and it has made me realize how much I love my husband and how much I don’t want to lose him. So my number one priority right now is saving my marriage. But I’m wondering if I need to explain this to the guy at work. Part of me thinks it’s best if I just cut off all contact with him. If I told him I was going to try to save my marriage, I’d be worried that he would try to contact my husband or would try to make my life difficult. But if I give him an explanation, that’s just inviting him into my life and into my marriage. And it might leave the whole thing up for debate. He has been there for me during some hard times. He’s not an awful person. I don’t want to behave like a jerk. But my marriage is my priority. Do I need to tell this guy why I’m breaking it off?”

What To Do When The Love Of Your Life Cheats

There is no excuse, explanation or justifiable reason that will ease the pain you feel when you find out that the love of your life has cheated. Empty apologies and insincere sounding explanations just don’t do enough to erase the images and shame and emotional scars that an affair brings with it. So what should you do when your lover cheats on you?

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