Separados, Amaury Nunes e Karina Bacchi se alfinetam na internet por causa do filho

Amaury Nunes, ex-marido da apresentadora Karina Bacchi, fez um vídeo reclamando sobre ser obrigado a ficar distante do filho em pleno aniversario da criança. Por outro lado, Karina rebateu a crítica do ex e deu a entender que Amaury estaria mentindo.

Phases of Infidelity

There are two phases of infidelity. The first phase involves a feeling that something is missing. The second phase involves the actual cheating.

My Husband Seems Remorseful For His Affair – Does This Mean He Won’t Have Another One?

Many wives ask me if sorrow or guilt are positive signs that might mean he won’t cheat again. I heard from a wife who said: “my husband admitted to his affair. I didn’t even suspect that anything was wrong. So he didn’t have to tell me, but he did, partly because he felt so guilty and awful for his actions. He has told me how sorry he is a million times. He literally cries and pleads on a repeated basis. I still love my husband. Words can not express how badly I hurt. But I still love him and want to save my marriage. However, the main thing that I know is going to keep me from doing this is the worry that he will cheat again. He swears he won’t. But I have a lot of fear because I don’t intend to ever go through this again. My question is whether his being so sorry and remorseful is a good indication that he will not cheat again?” I will address this in the following article.

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